What is GPU Overclocking
What is GPU Overclocking
-Most of the people know how to overclock their graphics card,
and many others are simply afraid they’ll burn up their GPU if they don’t do it
All GPUs are set to run at a Specific speed, called the base clock,
but different cards have the potential to surpass the speed set by the
By overclocking the speed of GPU, it will draw more power and it will increase
the temperature of your GPU. It’s important to find a good balance between performance
and temperature for your graphics card.
Overclocking your graphics card is a safe process
– Yes, Now a days,
graphics cards are designed to stop the user from causing any serious damage.
If you push your GPU too hard, your graphics card will either
show graphical glitches, or your PC will crash.
Don’t worry – you can simply set your GPU speeds back to a safe level.
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